Monday, September 9, 2013

Sweet Creamy Desk

This desk started out with thick layers of pepto bismol pink paint.  Stripping this took days and pretty much failed in the end.  So, the sander came out and smoothness returned, somewhat.  This was the second piece I had ever done and stripping was a challenge.  To tell you the truth stripping furniture is still a challenge.  I now avoid buying furniture that has previously been painted unless I just can't live without it, but I don't think that is going to happen.

The color is Behr Creme Brulee, and it is finished with Minwax Finishing Paste.  All the knobs and drawer pulls are new from Home Depot.

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About Me

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Growing up we never realized that we could make or change our furniture. Now that we are old and grown..ha..we realized that you can do anything you want to do. We like finding an old battered piece of furniture and seeing what we can make of it. We find joy in the journey and love seeing our pieces go to someone who loves them. Our house is slowly changing to whatever we want it to be and we are loving seeing the transformation.