Monday, September 9, 2013

Two Cavernous Cabinets

We bout these for $10 each, which at the time I didn't think was a bad deal.  It wasn't but the time it took to sell them made it almost not worth it.  We used one as a coffee table in our family room for a while but it just wasn't quite right for us.  I still love both of them but they have left us now to two new owners.

The white one is Behr Bleached Linen, my go to white.  The blue is Behr Award Blue .The brown top for both is Behr Revival Mahogany.   The top is finished with Poly acrylic and the body with Minwax Finishing Paste. 

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About Me

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Growing up we never realized that we could make or change our furniture. Now that we are old and grown..ha..we realized that you can do anything you want to do. We like finding an old battered piece of furniture and seeing what we can make of it. We find joy in the journey and love seeing our pieces go to someone who loves them. Our house is slowly changing to whatever we want it to be and we are loving seeing the transformation.